
Working mechanical engineer

"Let's think and work together to create innovative solutions and push the boundaries of engineering."
Followers: 610 Models: 500

E. A Shehab

Stockholm, Sweden
Mechanical Design Engineer | CAD Enthusiast | Problem Solver Hi, I'm a passionate Mechanical Design Engineer with expertise in CAD, CAM, CAE software and a focus on creating innovative and efficient designs.
Followers: 2 Models: 7


Followers: 285 Models: 62

Péter Szalai

Dunaújváros, Hungary
Mechanical engineer (BSc), Crane and Hoist Inspector
Followers: 582 Models: 61

Németh Péter

Pécs, Hungary
Followers: 556 Models: 109

Korbász Krisztián

Budapest, Hungary
Followers: 326 Models: 59

Borsi Ferenc

Followers: 80 Models: 27

Albin Antal

Budapest, Hungary
Followers: 119 Models: 15

Gábor Götz

Followers: 2 Models: 12

Béres Márton

Budapest, Hungary
Followers: 30 Models: 19

Jan Elg

vaxjo, Sweden
Followers: 140 Models: 43

Tamas Jager

Time won't wait for you!
Followers: 209 Models: 85