
Anirudh Rao

New Delhi, India
"If we worked on the assumption that what is accepted as true really is true, then there would be little hope for advance." - Orville Wright
Followers: 1393 Models: 36

Anuj Kaushal

Panchkula, India
Switch To Design Mode
Followers: 2076 Models: 163

Kush Desai

Surat, India
CEO/Founder - D Tech Engneering
Followers: 291 Models: 16

Pragnesh Patel (Kingcrusider)

Ahmedabad, India
Life #@$ No (Ctrl+Z)
Followers: 613 Models: 28

Tanay Raj

Followers: 740 Models: 205

Abhishek Choudhury

Mumbai, India
Followers: 295 Models: 94

Rajendra Kinkar

Pune, India
Being good is not about playing fast, it's about thinking fast.
Followers: 17 Models: 18

Murugesan balusamy

coimbatore, India
Engineer - another means Innovation
Followers: 45 Models: 16

Sainki kumar

Followers: 9 Models: 9

Roshan Richard

chennai, India
IAM V.T.ROSHAN Mechanical engineer 2019 passed out seeking for job in design field kindly help and suggest me to get a dream job.
Followers: 41 Models: 51


chennai, India
being a mechanical engineer i am proud of it
Followers: 76 Models: 71

Harry T

Followers: 40 Models: 3