
Tamas Cserto

Followers: 2502 Models: 187

Nagy Imre

Berettyóújfalu, Hungary
Followers: 1489 Models: 107

Németh Péter

Pécs, Hungary
Followers: 558 Models: 109

Béres Márton

Budapest, Hungary
Followers: 30 Models: 19


Budapest, Hungary
I was a power plant steam generator expert. One of my favorite activities is 3D modeling with SolidEdge, PTC Creo or SolidWorks. About my picture... this is a Modigliani. Similar to me.. perhaps.
Followers: 105 Models: 75

Héctor Valenzuela

santiago, Chile
Followers: 144 Models: 41

Alonso Rebolledo Arellano

Concepcion, Chile
Diseño Industrial de CHILE : : UBB
Followers: 60 Models: 76


Followers: 9 Models: 4

Ushan Malshika Wijayagama

Sri Lanka
Electro-Mechanical undergraduate at University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka
Followers: 4 Models: 5

Tibor Kapocs

Kecskemet, Hungary
Followers: 24 Models: 12

Botond Benyovszky

Followers: 11 Models: 18

Fikusz Kukisz

Makó, Hungary
“y u do dis?”
Followers: 8 Models: 12