
nitsan Steinmetz

Yeruham, Israel
I am student at a robotic team (frc 3211)
Followers: 18 Models: 20

Naftali Eder

Application Engineer At Stratasys
Followers: 30 Models: 26

Jacobs N

Followers: 57 Models: 7

German Mikheev

Tel-Aviv, Israel
Followers: 70 Models: 78

Arnon Shoshani

Yavne, Israel
Followers: 69 Models: 22

Roman Biryukov

rishon leziyon, Israel
engeneer (проектировщик ТХ.ПО/ТХ.МО/СС.СЗУ, конструктор)
Followers: 28 Models: 26

Mr. Frost

Followers: 46 Models: 40

Makers Assemble 5951 frc team

Tel Aviv, Israel
we are frc team 5951 Makers Assemble from Tel - Aviv Israel
Followers: 15 Models: 3

Ahmad Fais Yut Daroni

Followers: 0 Models: 0

Shlomo Bachar

“We are one huge universe speaking and listening to itself.” ― Francis Lucille
Followers: 44 Models: 36

Stephan Believes

Turks and Caicos Islands
Followers: 198 Models: 2

Andrey Kotler

Moscow, Israel
I like machinery :-)
Followers: 18 Models: 11