
Eduardo Moreno

Santiago de Chile, Chile
Ingeniero Mecanico especialidad diseño
Followers: 830 Models: 85

Freddy Traipe

santiago, Chile
desarrollador dispositivos de asistencia para necesidades especiales de personas con discapacidad
Followers: 12 Models: 21

Ricardo Gutierrez

Concepcion, Chile
Mechanical Engineer
Followers: 9 Models: 5


Followers: 9 Models: 4

Camilo Senior

Santiago, Chile
Followers: 23 Models: 4

Katherine Nicole Silva San Martín

Efforts should be made to achieve the goals
Followers: 10 Models: 12

Alex pardo

cbba, Bolivia
Followers: 12 Models: 22

Diego Benavente

Viña del Mar, Chile
Followers: 3 Models: 15

Tomas Barahona

Followers: 3 Models: 3

jorge vera

santiago, Chile
Followers: 6 Models: 4

Jose Ramos

Followers: 1 Models: 5

Hernan Choque

"It is not enough to be busy... The question is: what are we busy about?" - Henry David Thoreau
Followers: 10 Models: 1