3D Printers, Makers, DIY hacks, solutions and post printing tools

Created by Emil Pop on 13 April, 2018

This is a remix from OmNom's Re-Duplicator (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2686588) with Linear Rails and the mount I've been using on my Duplicator i3. Was not entirely sure how to make the X-Gantry with Linear Rails. Have briefly looked over Creality's Ender 3 and a few others, but wasn't sure what the best direction to go was. So with the mount I've been using this is what I came up with.

Thinking there is a better way to do it, but if I do keep this design figured it would be better to move the GT2 Cable parallel to the rail and not the 1515 extrusion as the red arrow indicates. So please let me know what you think would be the best way to go and if you'd like to view the two Printer Assemblies I've created previously: https://github.com/frogmandesignz

Thanks for you time,

Froggie :)