3D Printers, Makers, DIY hacks, solutions and post printing tools

Created by Emil Pop on 13 April, 2018

Please advise which option is correct, buying enter 3 V2 or upgrading enter 3 ?

Budget 3D printer for beginner level.

2 Answer

After an year of endless upgrades of my Ender-3 Pro - beginning with the dual Z-axis, passing through the Creality direct drive extruder, then spending hours of designing my own print head (based on the Orbiter extruder), changing control boards, rewriting almost all the firmware… I bought a Prusa MK3S+ 😄. So my advice is - if you want to print (not tinker), the entry level 3D printer is the Prusa MINI+. Otherwise - upgrade the Ender-3 (I spent €500 - including the original 3D printer - to make it print almost like the MINI+)

I know is one year later than asked, but here I found a good answer video for you, and is up to date for NOW. Things will change in the future.
