Industrial Design

Created by ALance on 13 August, 2018

After having yet another parametric model break in multiple steps, when changing the "base", I've started looking for modeling strategies to be able to make models that can be changed without breaking.

I've found the Resilient Modeling Strategy by Richard Gebhard ( , ), but its development seems a bit inactive and the website is not completed. 

Is there anyone using RMS?

Are there other modeling strategies out there? Pros/cons?

EDIT. There seems to be some research in academia. Search on Google Scholar was a rabbit hole.


Camba, J. D., Contero, M., & Company, P. (2016). Parametric CAD modeling: An analysis of strategies for design reusability. Computer-Aided Design, 74, 18-31.

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Luu, V. (2015). Methodology development for parametric CAD modeling in CATIA V5 to aid simulation driven design using turbine volute as a case study (Dissertation). Retrieved from

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